12/23(Sat) 23:00-23:54 J-WAVE 12/24 (Sun) 24:00-25:00 FM802 SKY-HI regular program “DIVE TO ...
12/22(Fri) 24:59-Scheduled Nippon Television “Buzz Rhythm 02” https://www.ntv.co.jp/buzzrh...
12/17(Sun) 16:00-17:48 FM Yokohama “Sunset Breeze” https://www.fmyokohama.co.jp/program/su...
12/3(Sun) 21:00-22:00 FM802 "802 BINTANG GARDEN" Osaka International Culture and Arts Projec...
11/6(Mon) 12:51-15:51 bayfm “it!!” https://www.bayfm.co.jp/program/it4/
10/31 (Tue) 25:58-27:08 *Excluding some areas TBS “PLAYLIST” https://www.tbs.co.jp/playlist-...
10/26(Thu) 13:30-15:50 Date fm “RAD~Radio All Day~” https://datefm.jp/rad/
10/26(Thu) 10:00-12:00 YBS Yamanashi Broadcasting (YBS Radio) “Hirumae Radio Noisagozen” htt...
10/12(Thu) 21:45-23:00 NHK-FM "Music Line" https://www.nhk.jp/p/ml/rs/Z9WGYY3GP5/episode/re/...
REIKO long interview published: Part 2 [“I want to be an artist that no one will leave behind”...